If you're scheduled for foot surgery, you need to be prepared before the big day. You won't be able to get back to normal for a few days following the surgery. One way to ensure a safe and problem-free recovery is to get prepared before you go in for surgery. Here are some tips that will help you prepare for surgery.
Memorize Your Instructions
If you're going to have foot surgery, ask your doctor for the written instructions in advance. After surgery, you won't be coherent enough to understand the instructions that are being given to you. Obtaining your instructions in advance will allow you to sit down and go over them while you have a clear mind. Once you have the instructions, take the time to memorize the details. That way, you're ready to go once you've had your surgery. If you're going to have someone come in to help you for a few days following surgery, it's a good idea to have them read the instructions as well.
Stock Up on the Essentials
Now that you have your surgery scheduled, take the time to stock up on the essentials. You won't be able to get out to the store after your surgery. If you have someone to help you around the house, you might not want to send them away during the first day or two after surgery, especially while you're still unable to get around the house on your own. To avoid problems, stock up on anything that you won't be able to do without, such as toilet paper.
Invest in Night Lights
You may know where everything is in your house, but that doesn't mean you won't run into things with your feet in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, you can cause yourself a lot of pain and additional injury if you run into something with your foot right after surgery. The best way to reduce that risk is to invest in night lights. Before surgery, place them in all the darkened areas of your home, especially in hallways and in your room.
Fill Essential Prescriptions
Prior to surgery, ask your doctor if they'll be giving you any prescriptions following surgery. If they are, have them give those to you in advance. That way, you can have them filled before your surgery. You'll want to have them on hand as soon as you get home from the hospital — especially your pain medication. Once the hospital anesthesia wears off, the pain may set in quickly, so you'll need to be prepared with your prescription pain reliever. If you take other medications on a regular basis, it's a good idea to make sure that they're been refilled prior to surgery as well. This step will ensure that you don't run out while you're recovering from surgery.